MoD Rhinoceros Kingdom. E F S R. Earth defence. E G M. Aliens Attack. Analysis of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (AETI). miniscule man gokula anand. No other person is connected with this blogspot. Image attributions have been attempted and stated wherever possible. This blogspot and pages are good on large display screens not on mobile phones. One Earth One World One People

Saturday 27 July 2024

2 new pages published

 035. Sessa's original chess game "damaged"


Page 35. Scroll down to bottom to see list of pages. 

036. Chess Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Case number 02

Lichess clock cheat or malfunction ??



Good reads that come in heading "older posts"

Two Ways


Where are they


Sunday 19 November 2023

New page published

Dear reader 

New page published

page 34. Scroll down to bottom to see list of pages.
034. Checkmate - An Illegal term
contains Futuristic Hollywood movie: Demolition Man clips joined together.

Pageviews Monthly
Feb - Mar 2023

Ireland    85 page views
United States   26 page views
France   20 page views

Thursday 29 September 2022

Moscow is capital of Earth


As regards Alien's attack, Moscow will be the capital of Earth which happens to be approximate centre on Earth map. Like on a chess board, the attack will not be linear or horizontal. It will be from above. The descending point could be any place on Earth. 

US military spending is 800 billions dollars per year whereas the Russian spending is only 66 billion dollars per year (9% of US spending).. Yet the US is reluctant and unwilling to get into war with Russia because of its "deadly" nuclear arsenal. Money is not everything. It is the "minds" that matter. 

Russian technology has proved to simpler, practical, down to Earth and more efficient than that of  NATO.

Military spending by countries

This section was added on 21 May, 2024

100 million dollars paperweights ??
More Than Two-Thirds of America's F-35s CAN'T FLY!
More than two-thirds of America’s F-35s can’t fly and Secretary Lloyd Austin wants more of them…

Congressman Matt Gaetz

F-35 crashlands in an ordinary landing ??
U.S. pilot ejects from fighter jet after slow-moving crash

Former Soviet Union part (lost republic) recovered and annexed by Russia

Former Soviet Union part (lost republic) recovered by Russia
Soviet Union disintegrated into independent republics in 1990s - a blunder for Russians in history. A grave blunder making Ukraine an independent republic. A brother nation that turned hostile towards Mother Russia for want of money and that has been hypnotized by the violent and sinking western civilization (it will not last over 150 years). At last, after great difficulty and sacrifices, the Russians were able to regain 25% control of a lost republic Ukraine. Not a complete square on a chess board, just 25% square. Russia needs to regain control of all former soviet republics whether or not they like it. Lions (former soviet republics) have joined tigers, wolves and jackals and have become very ugly like the ukranians. 
A son is a son when he is with his mother, howsoever poor she may be. A rich lady can never be a mother to a son. She can only be a lady without any emotion...... Simple philosophy..... Eastern Ukrainians are happy that they have joined Mother Russia.
Russia regaining former soviet republics will be like a mother trying to get her lost sons back.
Vladimir Putin after the Russian inventions of S-500s and S-550s missile defences is the most powerful leader on the whole human world. US and NATO satellites are giving co-ordinates to Ukrainian army about Russian military positions. Russia, a country that can shoot down satellites orbitting at 27,000+ kmph and 450 kms above Earth surface. Russians have not shot down the satellites. If the United States and NATO countries will launch 24 nuclear ICBMs, may be 14 of them will be intercepted at the skies by Russian S-500 and S-550 missile defences but 24 Russian nuclear ICBMs - not a single of them can be intercepted by any country. The reason why the US and NATO countries are boiling and fearful of a S-600 missile defence by Russia in future.
Russia even now can rain "hypersonic" Kinzhal missiles that cannot be intercepted by any country, about 500 of them in number over Kiev and completely flatten it. Only Russia and China have hypersonic missiles now. What if 500 Kinzhal missiles are slammed into Ukraine. What can intercept them.
The Russian president is the most powerful leader in human world who has shown the "greatest restraint" compassion and patience. When Russia was assured "not a single inch further" by NATO in 1990s. They had five expansions involving dozen countries in a span of twenty years. Russians were diplomatic for 20 years. When they wanted to make Ukraine join NATO and place their missiles on Russian border - all hell broke loose.

Russia claims victory in referendums, says all four in favour | Top World News | English News | WION



The grave blunder of disintegrating Soviet Union into independent republics can be undone only slowly, slowly. One blunder = 100 years of recovery. Every Russian president in future must attempt to annex one lost former soviet republic in his/her period. Then a time will come Russia becomes Soviet Union once again. It will be better that others do not interfere with Soviet Union's internal affairs.


Monday 8 August 2022



Of 33 Olympiads from 1952 till 2022 Chess Olympiad at Chennai. Soviet Union won 28. USA 02. China 02. Hungary 01. India 01 (Joint winner with Russia ; year 2020) **

From 1952 - 2020, other than Soviet Union (Russia), the only winners from rest of the world were India (2020),China (2014,2018),USA (1976,2016) and Hungary (1978)

Source information


Year            Event                           Winner
1952 10th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 21 pts
1954 11th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 34 pts
1956 12th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 31 pts
1958 13th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 34 1/2 pts
1960 14th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 34 pts
1962 15th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 31 1/2 pts
1964 16th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 36 1/2 pts
1966 17th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 39 1/2 pts
1968 18th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 30 1/2 pts
1970 19th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 27 1/2 pts
1972 20th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 42 pts
1974 21st Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 46 pts
1976 22nd Chess Olympiad  USA  ******
(Soviet Union, communist countries and Arab countries did not participate in 1976)
1978 23rd Chess Olympiad  Hungary 37 pts ********* Soviet Union 36 pts
1980 24th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 39 pts
1982 25th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 42 1/2 pts
1984 26th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 41 pts
1986 27th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 40 pts
1988 28th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 40 1/2 pts
1990 29th Chess Olympiad  Soviet Union 39 pts
1992 30th Chess Olympiad  Russia 39 pts
1994 31st Chess Olympiad  Russia 37 1/2 pts
1996 32nd Chess Olympiad  Russia 38 1/2 pts
1998 33rd Chess Olympiad  Russia 35 1/2 pts
2000 34th Chess Olympiad  Russia 38
2002 35th Chess Olympiad  Russia 38 1/2 pts
2004 36th Chess Olympiad  Ukraine (Former Soviet Union) 39 1/2
2006 37th Chess Olympiad  Armenia (Former Soviet Union) 36
2008 38th Chess Olympiad  Armenia (Former Soviet Union) 19 pts
2010 39th Chess Olympiad  Ukraine (Former Soviet Union) 19 pts
2012 40th Chess Olympiad  Armenia (Former Soviet Union) 19 pts
2014 41st Chess Olympiad  China 19 pts  ************
2016 42nd Chess Olympiad  USA 20 ******* Ukraine 20 (Former Soviet Union) Russia 18
2018 43rd Chess Olympiad  China 18 pts ******* USA 18 pts Russia 18 pts
2020 Corona virus outbreak. Online tournament. Global outage of Indian cloudflare servers. India becomes joint winner with Russia
2021 Online tournament. Russia winner.
2022. 44th Chess Olympiad in process at India. Russians and Chinese absent.
44th Chess Olympiad. Winner. Uzbekistan (Former Soviet Union) 19 pts, Armenia (Former Soviet Union) 19 pts, 
India 2 18 pts, Moldova (Former Soviet Union) 17 pts.         

****** winner other than Soviet Union (Russia)

Information source: The website was labelled as "not secure" at the time of this post and so the link was avoided in this page. Now it has been included as now it is considered "secure". 10 September, 2022. 
This page was first posted on 8 August without chennai chess olympiad results ... it read as
Of 32 Olympiads from 1952 till 2021. Soviet Union won 27. USA 02. China 02. Hungary 01. India 01 (Joint winner with Russia ; year 2020). After the chennai chess olympiad results, it was edited and updated as Soviet Union won 28.
Page first published without chennai chess olympiad results

Saturday 2 July 2022

TN, POTO, NATO and Aliens Attack

TN, POTO, NATO and Aliens Attack

Russia attacks Ukraine  ....... an analysis and conclusion.  

Gokula Anand's comical satire (not to be mistaken as real facts. there is no POTO or president of Tamil Nadu which is only an Indian state not country) (The two paragraphs below running for 3+4 lines are only comical satire, they are not true facts)



Background:   MOTO ...... err... sorry... POTO was an organization formed against NATO in year 2093. President (??) of Tamil Nadu Gokovsky was adamant joining POTO. It will take only one assurance from Gokovsky to prevent a war in Tamil Nadu ..... that TN will not join POTO. But .....


We will join POTO ...  no matter how many "million" tamilians flee TN and live in other countries, like beggars, after leaving their "beloved" homes ... no matter how many tamilians get killed, how many thousand buildings get destroyed or how many cities get razed down ... we will fight till the last tamilian     ??????         

For whom it is loss ????  Not a single building is on fire in US and NATO countries. All fire is on Ukraine.  If they will fight till the last Ukranian who will be there to succeed them? There are over 6.5 million ukranian refugees living pathetically in some countries and millions internally displaced. 

Putin's open challenge to the 'hypocrite' West; 'Try and defeat Russia on the battlefield'


It is possible to measure the amount of hatred, vengeance, ill will of US and NATO countries towards Russia. US has released 40 billion dollars aid to Ukraine (its own US people are suffering a lot internally). So the amount of hostile intent that US has towards Russia is 40 billion dollars. At the end of this dangerous road, there are going to be dozen nuclear warhead detonations in US, UK and NATO countries, after that they will keep quiet - at least after that, will they keep quiet. The present road and journey is going to end in nuclear warhead detonations. 

During the attack on Ukraine, the Russians definitely lost their strength ...... say 20 % of their total strength (which is main reason for US and NATO starting this war). In the event of an aliens attack, the human resistance of the world has decreased by 20%. 

Unfortunately, the "careless" "loose minded" "reckless" "destructive" leaders of human world do not have even slightest ability to handle an aliens attack. The fools want to keep fighting amongst themselves instead of the "big" "formidable" enemy from outside planet in future. They are making their insignificant present "more insignificant". It is like white chess pieces fighting amongst themselves instead of the "black" army pieces

It is unfortunate that Great Britain which conquered lot of countries situated thousands of kilometers away and gave them independence in history, now has a college kid (who does not seem to have finished his college studies) as its Prime Minister. He is immature, has kiddish behaviour, delivers loose talks and has funny body language. Gone are the days when British leaders looked rough, tough, deadly, fearsome with "iron" will. These days soft immature persons are its leaders. Britain did not have guts to put the British army in Donetsk and Luhansk regions and fight the russian soldiers. Why does its leader talk superior and keep releasing incorrigible comments everyday. Does any country has guts to put their soft army against the rough and tough Russian army. Atleast 6.5 million refugees fled Ukraine during the first two months, US and NATO leaders were joking at G7 summit about the shirtless Russian president doing horse riding. Leaders of BRICS summit were more decent and had better standards.


Millions of ukrainians have left their beloved homes and living like beggars in some countries, the leaders responsible for this war (NATO expansion threat and Russian retaliation) are laughing and joking instead of commiserating with the ukrainian refugees, Ukraine and doing something to stop the war. WHAT KIND OF LEADERS DO THE HUMAN WORLDS HAVE NOW. When Britain elected a college going boy as prime minister, the Ukrainians elected a clown and comedian as their president who after seeing 25% of his country get razed down and his people killed keeps continuing the war. US old man leader seems to have been stuck in a traffic jam and has only this - defeat Russia at all costs even if it is 40 billion dollars. It will be like this, US will send 40 billion worth military equipment to Ukraine, the Russians will launch the older versions of nuclear TOPOL - M  ICBMs because now they will have proper justification to launch them, a part of land on Ukraine will burn down to ashes and along with it, the foolish spending of US 40 billion dollars worth of military equipments. The US left behind 85 billion dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan ...... What are these people thinking and doing ?? 

Connected pages

Beginning of  World War 3 - Doomsday Dread


Russia - the affected, now the most affected


Forgive and preserve humans for deterrence


LION, cunning tiger and jackals


United States people always give encouragement to my blogspot. They are wonderful people. 


Retired American Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor youtube links. This wonderful man belonging to external world has excellent clarity in his observations like a monk of internal world. 

"Russia is not Iraq" - Douglas MacGregor

"You are signing on a long-term conflict that you may not win" - Douglas MacGregor

'The rest of the world is largely aligning with Russia' - Col. Douglas MacGregor

"His policy is to make Ukraine suffer as long as possible" - Douglas MacGregor

Douglas MacGregor's warning to the rest of the world. The Russians have a "real" military
"Don't come over here, if you do, you are gonna get killed" - Douglas MacGregor

'Everyone is craving for blood' - Douglas MacGregor

The American Military is in Trouble: MacGregor

War in Iraq, Syria 'is over, we lost it': Retired Army Colonel

He speaks nothing but the plain truth
Col Macgregor 17MAR with Gerald Celente part 4 on why Lindsey Graham is Wrong

Interview with General Macgregor: What’s Next In the Ukraine War?

Saturday 21 May 2022

PayPal donate link

Paypal link (that might become operational by June 1). 
Nobody sent money yet to know whether the links and paypal system works.  Somebody be kind enough to donate one rupee, one dollar, one euro, one ruble, one yen, one kuwaiti dinar so that i can know if the links work. Cryto currency people also can give it a try. 

Imagine a free train. Thousands of passengers get in, get some worth and go away. This train has been running without a single currency benefit since 2014 but i had put up the donate link last month only. May-June 2022. 


Dear Reader

Since 2014, lot of efforts were made by me for creation and running this blogspot. It had been one man's observation with very deep introspection skills. Certain sections in this blogspot, i can say with pride is not possible by any human till this day and few have potential that no human can go to such depths in history of human race. If a submarine's world record is 1000 ft deep, my submarines have travelled at 10,000 ft. There are more observations at 80,000 to 90,000 ft but the disclosures of them will make my conversations in this blogspot to a reader totally "incomprehensible". Sincere efforts have been made to point out detrimental factors of human people on earth, the jeopardy they have placed themselves into for example "the dangers of radiations from wireless devices" in page "Gokula Anand overwhelms stockfish engines". The "radiations" from wireless devices are multiple times harmful than automobile "air" pollution that will come to an end after solar and electric vehicles inventions. It is really a wonder that this blogspot that informs very useful factors have not yet crossed 10,000 views whereas silly youtube postings have over 1 million views+. 

Any reader who reads this blogspot in full ..... will find "really" "very useful" informations for his / her life. There are sections which when read in full and implemented by governments can save millions of human people from their doomsday journey.

In Tamil history, there was a king - Manu Needhi Cholan. He was a great king who followed dharma. One day, his son drove the chariot at high speed killing a calf on the way. Mother Cow in tears went and rang the call bell kept inside a temple. It surprised everyone in the country. He was such a good king that people did not have anything to complain about. So the bell never made any sound. The king heard it and came to know about what happened. To give justice to the cow, he tied his own son, drove the chariot that had killed the calf and killed his own son in the vicinity of the cow. A calf is life. It had mother. His son killed it. So he killed his son to suffer the "same" agony of the cow.

A similar approach has been taken in this blogspot. All have been written without bias. It is kind of a chess engine analysis based on data obtained from public sources in Internet, Newspapers. They may be correct or incorrect. 

This blogspot has used English as communication language but it belongs to no language and no country. It has " One Earth, One World, One People" as strong philosophy

Friday 25 March 2022

Handle of War with zero damage

 A king's handle of war that resulted in zero casualities. Not a single loss of human life or destruction of a home. He takes all the insults on himself, even lies down on ground. 

South Indian state, Tamil Nadu, Tamil language movie. Imsai Arasan 23rd Pulikesi. 

During Donald Trump presidency, USA did not have a single major war.

In the event of an aliens attack, in case they have an element of ego in their psychology, this approach might make them "leave" Earth, leaving Earthlings and Earth "unharmed"

IF EARTH HAS 250+ countries, not a single leader in any of them will adopt this king of attitude - that is where "deadly" problem exists.


On 12th May. Monthly pageviews by countries

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Aliens Attack - Forgive and Preserve humans for deterrence

US did a blunder killing Osama Bin Laden. He would have created an dangerous kamikaze (suicide fighter jet pilot) squad with muslim pilots in the event of an aliens attack. Now we must create another one. It is like killing a world chess champion and creating another for a specific purpose. Osama Bin Laden would have been an excellent commander, motivator of kamikaze human resistance in the event of aliens attack. They killed him. It was a blunder. 

Hope, Russians do not kill Zelensky, instead forgive him for he is a man of great courage with limited means in the event of an aliens attack. In the war against Russia, he is only "suicidal". Bravery is when there is no alternative left and fight is unavoidable. When a problem or war has solutions, it will be wise to subdue and withdraw. 

26th June, 2022




This page has been moved to


Sunday 13 February 2022

Beginning of World War 3 - Doomsday Dread ??

Russia and Ukraine were one country in history. Russians and Ukrainians were one people. Russia is now trying to "add" its lost country again. It is not attacking US, Britain, France or Germany. It will be better if the West keeps quiet about the matter. NATO should not have extended so much close to Russia's border when the Russians were promised it will not move even an inch closer to its borders. Every destruction or attempt to destroy will have equal and opposite destruction. It is time to recall Albert Einstein's wise words. "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought but World War 4 will be fought with stones and sticks. Because everything man made on Earth will be razed down by thousands of nuclear blasts. There now exists a danger of World War 3 if the leaders don't drop their ego and hostile attitude, go back to 1997, a time where Russia was safe without threats. Russian defence ministry says in case of missiles deployed and launched from Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be 10 minutes. In case of hypersonic missiles, their flight time will be just 5 minutes. Russian attack on Ukraine will be a defensive one. In terms of chess, it is trying to obtain control, regain control of a lost square - Ukraine

youtube video link of above video

Whether it will be just a war or World War depends on the temperament of US and NATO leaders.
In the event of a World War 3, there will be no winners, only charred human skeletons all over Earth.
Russians need only two assurances. That Ukraine will not join NATO. That NATO gives in writing that Ukraine will not be permitted inside NATO. Why is that the simple action is not done. US, NATO and Ukraine definetely seem to have sinister designs on Russia.
Austria, Cyprus, Finland and Sweden never joined NATO when Russia was formidable Soviet Union. Even at that time, they did not join. Did Russia attack any of the 4 countries till today.

This site has good explanation of the present scenario

Russian president Vladimir Putin interviews
A great leader who does not keep notes to refer to when he talks, speaks spontaneously, articulately, intelligently. He just speaks without any resistance in his mind as if he is telling nothing but the truth.

Putin: How Would America React If Russian Missiles Were Placed At The Border With Canada & Mexico!

Putin: US Wants To Put Hypersonic Missiles In Ukraine! Russia Has "Nowhere To Retreat"

Speech to Russian Defence Ministry
Putin: Russia Will Take Retaliatory Military Measures If NATO Expands To Russian Borders!

Why Putin's Words Fall AGAIN On Deaf Ears!? Why Are Politicians & MSM Ignoring Russian Warnings!?

Putin Warns West: Be Aware, Russia Will Act If NATO Put Its Missiles In Ukraine!

It seems that former US President Donald Trump was the only US president in modern history not to have started a war during his period.
Mister Biden also is adopting a defensive attitude only - some hope left for human life on Earth

Wars and US Presidents

Biden is not addressing this number one question: Tulsi Gabbard
Former Congress woman lady has pinpoint accuracy in her observations

She also says that US citizens are not able to understand why their politicians spend billions of dollars and often operate thousands of kilometers from their country .... in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan  etc ..... now Ukaine

INSANE LEADERS IN US CONSIDERING A "NUCLEAR STRIKE" ON RUSSIA (which will be nothing but suicide for total US land surface) - come under heavy fire in US itself. 

Fox News
Former Congress woman Tulsi Gabbard blasts political leaders for considering nuclear attack on Russia. Calls Republicans and Democrats - insane. Anyone who would propose or even consider a nuclear strike on Russia must be insane, sociopath or sadist. He (Senator Wicker) is saying that let's go and launch a nuclear attack, start a war that would destroy the american people, the country and the world and also the ukaranians so that we can save ukraine's democrazy. It literally is insane. Senator Wicker is not an outliar, number two Republican on Armed services. You are hearing the same kind of rhetoric from the Democrats and Republicans, in Congress, and the administration in the media. No problem with this because they actually agree with this. This is why this is such a dangerous situation that we are facing that we are being pushed closer and closer to a nuclear war that would destroy the whole world

First of all, the talk about nuclear strikes should arise only when situations go to the extreme - not when the war has not even started. Even i not would talk like this. How can big politicians in US release such comments. A Russian TOPOL - M  ICBM travels at 26,400 kmph, has mass of 47 tonnes, can go out of Earth's atmosphere, fly non-stop for 11,000 kms, come down, explode 500 meters above land and destroy HALF of a large state. Two TOPOL M ICBMs can destroy an entire state to ashes. Even i know this. US politicians does not seem to know about "retaliation" strength of Russia in the event of a nuclear strike on it. May be, they thought if George from US will go and hit Zhirnovsky in Russia, he will keep quiet and the russians around him also will keep quiet. Thank god. Mister Biden did not pass such comments. May be, he was properly briefed. They are talking in a "mindless" manner like school children. During cold war era, the US had 27,000 nuclear warheads and Russians had 35,000 nuclear warheads active in 1940s. Notice the number, 1940s. They dropped two atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 razed two cities down. 

The lady was absolutely right to use the words that "they ( US politicians) are totally insane". She also says that US citizens are not able to understand why their politicians spend billions of dollars and often operate thousands of kilometers from their country .... in Iraq, Syria, etc ..... now Ukraine


They had given their word (verbal assurance) before unification of Germany that NATO will not expand to East near Russian borders. That is the reason why Russian president now demands it in writing which they "won't" do. 

Document confirms US told Russia NATO won’t expand
Comments section: comments are very informative and accurate

NOT ONE INCH FORWARD assurance to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990

What actually will happen in the event of World War 3

Dmitry Medvedev during his visit to a regiment of the Strategic Rocket Forces equipped with Topol-M
15 May 2008

Few centuries back, humans were monkeys on trees. They have evolved to this extent in just 100 years. What the cosmic mind has pre-ordained. Where are the dinosaurs that ruled the Earth millions of years ago.

The post "Can Putin Survive" and comments will be very useful for those who want to get clear information. Most of the comments are very good and informative. It is nearly an encyclopedia. Youtube is only garbage junkyard and biased informations when compared to this.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015
By Geroge Friedman of Stratfor

The Genocide that Russian president keeps talking about often