MoD Rhinoceros Kingdom. E F S R. Earth defence. E G M. Aliens Attack. Analysis of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (AETI). miniscule man gokula anand. No other person is connected with this blogspot. Image attributions have been attempted and stated wherever possible. This blogspot and pages are good on large display screens not on mobile phones. One Earth One World One People

..............................YEAR FIVE START....................few comments...

Warning: This page is copyright protected with date and time stamps. Last update 21 November 2018.
Dear reader,
Pleased to meet your good self over internet.
I created this blogspot in November 2014. First year, I created 24 pages. The second year only one.

I had abandoned this blogspot long time back on the very first year itself. Recently, I came across this picture in whatsapp and thought "yes, it is true".

 If osho had not talked philosophy and truth putting his life in jeopardy, individuals like me would not have been there. The US agents indeed slow poisoned and killed him. Maybe that was what the cosmic mind had preordained.

The name "Osho" starts with OS and the person who hit the twin towers, the US military headquarters Pentagon on september 11, 2001 and made them burn as flames, Osama Bin Laden, his name also starts with OS. 
1980s ... US slow poisons and kills osho (name start os)
2001... US twin towers, military headquarters "pentagon" set burning by Osama (name start os)
For every action, equal and retaliatory action.
Without fate or cosmic mind permitting, a man cannot kill even a mouse. There had been 70+ assasination attempts by US on the great cuban leader Fidel Castro. Did they succeed. In the whole world, the countries that could strike US military headquarters "Pentagon" and that too 'with ICBMs only' were Russia, Britain, France and China at that time. 
When the US was boasting that its military was the most powerful, its headquarters was seen burning in flames. 
What Cosmic Mind had preordained.
Tiny humans about the size of ants when looking from a high mountain or an aeroplane, thinking too much of themselves. 
US and allies made a blunder killing him. That is what those people can do. In the game of chess, a pawn moves to a troublesome square or creates serious damage, one does not or should not hurt or destroy the pawn. Well that was a topic in a page "The decline of intelligence is a threat to the security of the earth", i created in the year 2009. For the logical minded and westerners, a single individual commenting upon decisions made by a super power country will appear mad and likely to request me to see a psychiatrist doctor but when published, the logical minded, the rational minded would all keep quiet. 
When a heavy aeroplane prepares for landing at 130 knots (240 kmph), the under carriage assembly developed fault, the wheels could not be lowered down, warning sounds are produced in cockpit. It would be very irritating for the pilot. The warning sounds are very caring and friendly. They only inform danger exists. You kill a irritating barking dog, you are deprived of future warnings.


Analysis of same incident in Line 2 was more deadly. The weakness of combined military establishments all over the world. I lost the document that I created in 2009. My poor memory won't let me recall all of them. That was my masterpiece. It probably got lost so that I won't become world famous and certain human satans kill me. Better to be a beggar and be alive, than become famous and lie down inside pit and dust. 
The topic was actually first analysis in 2009.  Line 2 should actually be line 1.

Line 3.
Just like America was keeping quiet during World War 2 and Japan started attack on pearl harbor, that person Osama bin laden attacked America. I don't know what is happening in the street where I reside. There is no way to know what caused Osama's hatred who lived thousands of kms somewhere

17th, 18th, 19th centuries, the country called Britain conquered many countries including American colonies and Indian states. When the Indians pronounced "vande matharam" on their own land, they were beaten up. It was and is called " Great Britain"
When Iraq attempted to conquer Kuwait. It was classified as rogue state. 
Gods ways are different and most effective. Only persons whose life is hell, they only will try to hurt or kill anyone. It is a built in phenomenon. Can anybody live happily after a murder. Those whose life is good, they will not be bothered to spoil others and will only want to help. Hell individuals, do hell, be in hell and go to hell.
I had written few lines about some bad American history. This I could do because Mister Donald Trump is President. 
Who reads my pages? Come here and ask every family member of mine or at place where I reside. Nobody had read even a single page. 
During elections, Mr Trump was downgraded as buffoon, must visit doctor etc. At debate also he did not dominate speech w Hillary Clinton. His performance was rated as poor. The media was against him. A huge drawback. On top of it Barack Obama joined Hillary Clinton on last day campaign. Mr Trump was left alone like an orphan. 
And Mister Trump won. A good person.
You know, the gods and collective people have their own ways of choosing. 
It was the American people who made osho so famous and make his philosophy spread across the world at faster pace

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