Dear reader
Pleased to meet your goodself over the internet.
Earlier, I had dealt with a page where chess engines failed at just one ply depth (page 21).
These are not my attempts to downgrade the wonderful human creation - the Fritz 11 chess engine. I am a great fan of computer chess. I played my first tournament in the year 1989 when i studied in 7th std. I obtained my first FIDE rating in the year 2010. From 1989 till 2008 (29 years), I have been practicing with humans and books. Just 2 years of computer chess, I obtained FIDE rating.
In 2010, one had to face 9 FIDE rated players and score 3 points. I drew two 1800+ rated players, won two 1600+ rated players and confirmed initial rating of 1548 by the end of 5th round itself. It was the only tournament, I was completely in form, the rest of tournaments were a casual walkover with not even 25 hours per year practice. By the time, my chess mind "warmed up" in 3 or 4 rounds, the brain underwent fatigue because of poor chess working capacity and the next half of 3 tournaments were only outcomes of a tired brain. Obtaining rating was not an easy task those days. Also, they had reduced the time controls for every round with less time for analysis
The less known, tiny, mighty software - chess rally 2.5.
It was chess rally 2.5 software that trained me and got me rating. I won 3 games, drew 60+ games and lost over 250 games at its 2100 rated level before the first tournament. With just 12.8 mb size, it played like a genius taking 21 seconds for every move. Few games had effect of thrilling movie in a cinema hall. Really, at a certain point say 100 hours of play, the chess screen became like a movie screen - instead of actors - the chess pieces.
One of the wonderful moments of my life was encountered during play with it (2007-2009). My king side pawn formation was like this f2-g3-f4-h4 behind it was my king along with some pieces. Its rook took out the pawn on f4. That happened after serious minutes of my thinking. That move was unthinkable. Taking out that rook with g3 pawn would make all 3 pawns separated f2-f4-h4 and an attack rain be unleashed by the chess engine. It was like a japanese kamikaze (suicide) fighter aircraft pilot in World War II crashing onto a naval warship chimney. Fearing consequences, i declined to take out its rook. Thenafter, another one landed, the same rook crashed on h4 pawn taking it out.
In Buddhism, they say the "cessation of mind" leads to enlightenment. A sudden cessation of mind for few seconds leads to satori. In chess, often satoris and good emotions happen. It is because of these moments that the game of chess is alive and spreading, The majority of human individuals have done everything to poison it. The mind and ego are at maximum working pressure, then suddenly they come to a standstill. A kamikaze rook crashed on f4, taking out the pawn, the mind comes to an immediate standstill, satori happens.The feeling of "god" within.
Disadvantages of playing chess with humans.
Ego can accept temporary defeat. It cannot accept permanent defeat. To retaliate back, it will take any kind of ominous form. One must be careful not to defeat others and downgrade them.
The way of better life is not to create "unnecessary enemies"
In my whole life, winning anybody never lead to pleasant consequences. It was only a satisfaction of ego and the wrath of the opponent's ego. Everyone must have observed, the one who loses the game, your relationship with that person is never the same again. If the defeat happens in front of a large audience, the relationship undergoes "beyond economical repair" damage. Never play chess with friends or family members. You accumulate unnecessary enmity and bad karma. Playing chess in tournaments is better, the losers are not inside your day to day life. Somebody from another state loses or wins, you both are never going to see him/her again.
The main trouble in playing chess with humans is if you win, there will be unpleasant consequences and if you lose also there will be unpleasant consequences. It happened once, my student's father a coffee house player wanted to match his wits with me. Definitely, he will lose. I was reluctant to play. For every student, the father is a hero. Father getting defeated upsets student's confidence. But he kept on insisting and other family members too. I told him if he gets defeated, he will feel bad. He told that he is of casual type and wont take it seriously. That is what everybody said to me. In just few moves, the total ego becomes involved........... Defeat did happen. And more defeats in few months. His ego was damaged. Throughout the training period for over a year, I was a victim of attack of hatred and vengeance. I cannot lose to anybody. In that case, i will be downgraded.
Play chess with strangers or "not connected to your life" persons. Never play chess with friends or family members.
Playing with a computer wont have any consequences. A chess engine will not try to retaliate or insult you. You know, I told i played many games with chess rally. Its program is such that, the more games it plays, the more intelligent it becomes. At its 2100 rated level, I had managed to make 60+ draws (lost 250+) but at a certain stage, it's engine managed to breach the formidable stonewall. In 3 days time, i underwent 18 continuous defeats. After the 18th defeat, I abandoned the stonewall, employed a "Slav Defence", drew it to restore my minimal confidence and preserve dignity of human mind
Chess Rally 2.5 is great for playing chess.
Fritz 11 is great for training.
Has good training, observational databases.One can add his/her comments/analysis after a move, create his/her own databases and move games into it. Set up a position on empty board and make the engine do analysis like the one in picture below. With just F11, one can become an IM or even more. IF HE/SHE PROCEEDS IN RIGHT DIRECTION.
Upon full mind throttle and full strength and standard time control 40 moves in 120 min 41-60 moves in 60 min, rest of game 30 min, I had won/drew few games with Fritz 6 and Fritz 11.
Do not be of the intention that Fritz and Chess rally people have paid me for creating this page. I have not obtained a single currency note because of this entire blogspot. The advantages for me were less than the serious disadvantages that I had suffered (the wrath of collective people ego and mass withdrawal of students).
I must thank the reader for having been so patient in reading a long narration that was quite out of heading of this page. Have you noticed, if this image file had been inserted in a place where small images are on the right side, it would have been small and uncomfortable. Now that it is below the skull and bones pic on the right, there is more space and image is bigger. Whatever gokula does, it is for a reason. Okay...
51 moves drawn game
I was exchange down but still managed a draw. This game took place before 2010, that is before my first FIDE tournament. That I could say because after 2010, I did not play against chess rally often after 2009.
This image file alone, I was fortunate in getting from an old cd. The image file - right click- pull down menu - properties - statistics state the file was created on Sunday, March 15, 2009. 1:46:54 pm. So i was right.
The set up was less than 20 mb. But it plays too strong at 2100 rated level. At "Master" level, it consumes 90 seconds for every move which only GMs can handle. Forget it.
Fritz 11 engine missed this combination and went in 8 wrong directions. At 1049 kilonodes per second, it failed.
1.Qg8+ Kxg8 2.Ne7+ Kf8 3.N5g6+/N7g6+ hxg6 4.Nxg6# (what gokula anand thinks, the chess engine does not)
Maybe, my "chess engines" failure observations will help fritz team to build better chess engines in future. Or somebody wanting to defeat the supercomputers to preserve the dignity of human race would benefit from pages of mine in this blogspot.
Below is the list of World's top chess engines created by many countries
01. Stockfish 3439 many top chess engines championship (tcec) wins
02. Komodo 3404
03. Houdini 3400
Fritz team must be innocent and friendly people. Look at fritz logo.
The strength of a supercomputer this day (nov 17,2018).
Computer's thinking depth 30 moves+, these days.
Trapping own knight leads to win. In this position, it is unthinkable. Starting from 68...Bh4, the computer thinking is of 40 moves depth till move 109.
And Droidfish, the android version of Stockfish reaches thinking depth of 15 moves in just 15 seconds.
This page will be filled up with more "world top chess engines failure" positions in future.
Date this page was created: 17 November, 2018
Ghenrikh Kasparyan was an endgame composer. His famous book during my school days was "Domination in 2545 endgame studies". Very good book. But such perfection in endgame would be required at national level championships. For others it wont give good results in tournaments because such positions are less likely to occur in real games.
Such a great composer had said in a page at "A gem of endgame composition". So I thought that a chess engine wont be able to solve it. I tested it. IT DID NOT. I was certain about it when I went through game analysis. These days, I can "know" what a chess engine can do and what it cannot. Forgive me, I have poor record on my plays with human beings in recent FIDE tournaments. Given a time control of 3 hours +, I can well handle a 2000 rated chess engine but when it comes to play against humans something goes wrong. I really cannot believe, I can lose to such stupid persons but it always happens. A chess engine always plays diplomatically, following rules (I don't mean the rules of chess game- that everybody does), with humans it is not. A chess engine simply does analysis and makes moves. IT DOES NOT DO ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT. It does not upset your mind flux or make you uncomfortable in any way. But the humans do dozen factors that are undetected. Sometimes, they are cheap, disgusting and repulsive. If you win a chess engine for 10 continuous games in 3 hours time, nothing will happen to you. But if you defeat a human player 10 continuous games in 3 hours time, you must bear with those curses, hatred and lot more.. On a FIDE tournament, on a certain round, I defeated a rated player .. it was a crushing defeat …the last few minutes, I saw my opponent's face, it was so full of hatred etc. The next day, when I was walking, he happened to cross me, that hatred was there, I could observe my body undergoing slight shivering... that and other factors are what happens during and after play with humans. I am sure that many players resign or lose because they sub consciously do not want to "prolong the extreme discomfort" of being in front of an incorrigible, high voltage ego human opponent. One such discomfort, even the Indian GM Viswanathan Anand had when he played against Kasparov during World Chess Championship 1995. I have read that Kasparov would go to his room and slam the door. He was doing lot of "other" activities to win the games.
Well ..those factors apart. This is a page on failures of chess engines.
White king moves away from battlefield to win it. From e7, it goes to f6, to e5 and to e4
FRITZ 11 ENGINE FAILS AT 25453 kN (25453 kilo nodes per second i.e 25 million moves per second analysis). The first starts at 245 kN, see the sixth it was at 25453 kN. Instead of detecting the correct move at 4.Bg6 it went in wrong direction which will be bad reason to trust a computer engine analysis in the event of an alien attack. It sealed off its own bishop battery by move g6, putting "own piece blockade" along critical b1-h7 dia. It is like positioning its own military tank in the line of fire of an intermediate range ballistic missile launcher. Putting pawn on g6 serves the same purpose as a bishop on b1-h7 dia, it prevents black's master mind entering h7, the trouble is it will become a static pawn that will permanently seal off h7 for black's mastermind. After analysis, it declares the position "draw" +/= 0.66
the draw move 4.g6
Pleased to meet your goodself over the internet.
Earlier, I had dealt with a page where chess engines failed at just one ply depth (page 21).
These are not my attempts to downgrade the wonderful human creation - the Fritz 11 chess engine. I am a great fan of computer chess. I played my first tournament in the year 1989 when i studied in 7th std. I obtained my first FIDE rating in the year 2010. From 1989 till 2008 (29 years), I have been practicing with humans and books. Just 2 years of computer chess, I obtained FIDE rating.
In 2010, one had to face 9 FIDE rated players and score 3 points. I drew two 1800+ rated players, won two 1600+ rated players and confirmed initial rating of 1548 by the end of 5th round itself. It was the only tournament, I was completely in form, the rest of tournaments were a casual walkover with not even 25 hours per year practice. By the time, my chess mind "warmed up" in 3 or 4 rounds, the brain underwent fatigue because of poor chess working capacity and the next half of 3 tournaments were only outcomes of a tired brain. Obtaining rating was not an easy task those days. Also, they had reduced the time controls for every round with less time for analysis
The less known, tiny, mighty software - chess rally 2.5.
It was chess rally 2.5 software that trained me and got me rating. I won 3 games, drew 60+ games and lost over 250 games at its 2100 rated level before the first tournament. With just 12.8 mb size, it played like a genius taking 21 seconds for every move. Few games had effect of thrilling movie in a cinema hall. Really, at a certain point say 100 hours of play, the chess screen became like a movie screen - instead of actors - the chess pieces.
One of the wonderful moments of my life was encountered during play with it (2007-2009). My king side pawn formation was like this f2-g3-f4-h4 behind it was my king along with some pieces. Its rook took out the pawn on f4. That happened after serious minutes of my thinking. That move was unthinkable. Taking out that rook with g3 pawn would make all 3 pawns separated f2-f4-h4 and an attack rain be unleashed by the chess engine. It was like a japanese kamikaze (suicide) fighter aircraft pilot in World War II crashing onto a naval warship chimney. Fearing consequences, i declined to take out its rook. Thenafter, another one landed, the same rook crashed on h4 pawn taking it out.
In Buddhism, they say the "cessation of mind" leads to enlightenment. A sudden cessation of mind for few seconds leads to satori. In chess, often satoris and good emotions happen. It is because of these moments that the game of chess is alive and spreading, The majority of human individuals have done everything to poison it. The mind and ego are at maximum working pressure, then suddenly they come to a standstill. A kamikaze rook crashed on f4, taking out the pawn, the mind comes to an immediate standstill, satori happens.The feeling of "god" within.
Disadvantages of playing chess with humans.
Ego can accept temporary defeat. It cannot accept permanent defeat. To retaliate back, it will take any kind of ominous form. One must be careful not to defeat others and downgrade them.
The way of better life is not to create "unnecessary enemies"
In my whole life, winning anybody never lead to pleasant consequences. It was only a satisfaction of ego and the wrath of the opponent's ego. Everyone must have observed, the one who loses the game, your relationship with that person is never the same again. If the defeat happens in front of a large audience, the relationship undergoes "beyond economical repair" damage. Never play chess with friends or family members. You accumulate unnecessary enmity and bad karma. Playing chess in tournaments is better, the losers are not inside your day to day life. Somebody from another state loses or wins, you both are never going to see him/her again.
The main trouble in playing chess with humans is if you win, there will be unpleasant consequences and if you lose also there will be unpleasant consequences. It happened once, my student's father a coffee house player wanted to match his wits with me. Definitely, he will lose. I was reluctant to play. For every student, the father is a hero. Father getting defeated upsets student's confidence. But he kept on insisting and other family members too. I told him if he gets defeated, he will feel bad. He told that he is of casual type and wont take it seriously. That is what everybody said to me. In just few moves, the total ego becomes involved........... Defeat did happen. And more defeats in few months. His ego was damaged. Throughout the training period for over a year, I was a victim of attack of hatred and vengeance. I cannot lose to anybody. In that case, i will be downgraded.
Play chess with strangers or "not connected to your life" persons. Never play chess with friends or family members.
Playing with a computer wont have any consequences. A chess engine will not try to retaliate or insult you. You know, I told i played many games with chess rally. Its program is such that, the more games it plays, the more intelligent it becomes. At its 2100 rated level, I had managed to make 60+ draws (lost 250+) but at a certain stage, it's engine managed to breach the formidable stonewall. In 3 days time, i underwent 18 continuous defeats. After the 18th defeat, I abandoned the stonewall, employed a "Slav Defence", drew it to restore my minimal confidence and preserve dignity of human mind
Chess Rally 2.5 is great for playing chess.
Fritz 11 is great for training.
Has good training, observational databases.One can add his/her comments/analysis after a move, create his/her own databases and move games into it. Set up a position on empty board and make the engine do analysis like the one in picture below. With just F11, one can become an IM or even more. IF HE/SHE PROCEEDS IN RIGHT DIRECTION.
Upon full mind throttle and full strength and standard time control 40 moves in 120 min 41-60 moves in 60 min, rest of game 30 min, I had won/drew few games with Fritz 6 and Fritz 11.
Do not be of the intention that Fritz and Chess rally people have paid me for creating this page. I have not obtained a single currency note because of this entire blogspot. The advantages for me were less than the serious disadvantages that I had suffered (the wrath of collective people ego and mass withdrawal of students).
I must thank the reader for having been so patient in reading a long narration that was quite out of heading of this page. Have you noticed, if this image file had been inserted in a place where small images are on the right side, it would have been small and uncomfortable. Now that it is below the skull and bones pic on the right, there is more space and image is bigger. Whatever gokula does, it is for a reason. Okay...
51 moves drawn game
I was exchange down but still managed a draw. This game took place before 2010, that is before my first FIDE tournament. That I could say because after 2010, I did not play against chess rally often after 2009.
This image file alone, I was fortunate in getting from an old cd. The image file - right click- pull down menu - properties - statistics state the file was created on Sunday, March 15, 2009. 1:46:54 pm. So i was right.
The set up was less than 20 mb. But it plays too strong at 2100 rated level. At "Master" level, it consumes 90 seconds for every move which only GMs can handle. Forget it.
Fritz 11 engine missed this combination and went in 8 wrong directions. At 1049 kilonodes per second, it failed.
1.Qg8+ Kxg8 2.Ne7+ Kf8 3.N5g6+/N7g6+ hxg6 4.Nxg6# (what gokula anand thinks, the chess engine does not)
Maybe, my "chess engines" failure observations will help fritz team to build better chess engines in future. Or somebody wanting to defeat the supercomputers to preserve the dignity of human race would benefit from pages of mine in this blogspot.
Below is the list of World's top chess engines created by many countries
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01. Stockfish 3439 many top chess engines championship (tcec) wins
02. Komodo 3404
03. Houdini 3400
Fritz team must be innocent and friendly people. Look at fritz logo.
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Image attribution: |
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Computer's thinking depth 30 moves+, these days.
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68...Bh4 position |
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70...Ng1 position |
And Droidfish, the android version of Stockfish reaches thinking depth of 15 moves in just 15 seconds.
This page will be filled up with more "world top chess engines failure" positions in future.
Date this page was created: 17 November, 2018
Ghenrikh Kasparyan was an endgame composer. His famous book during my school days was "Domination in 2545 endgame studies". Very good book. But such perfection in endgame would be required at national level championships. For others it wont give good results in tournaments because such positions are less likely to occur in real games.
Such a great composer had said in a page at "A gem of endgame composition". So I thought that a chess engine wont be able to solve it. I tested it. IT DID NOT. I was certain about it when I went through game analysis. These days, I can "know" what a chess engine can do and what it cannot. Forgive me, I have poor record on my plays with human beings in recent FIDE tournaments. Given a time control of 3 hours +, I can well handle a 2000 rated chess engine but when it comes to play against humans something goes wrong. I really cannot believe, I can lose to such stupid persons but it always happens. A chess engine always plays diplomatically, following rules (I don't mean the rules of chess game- that everybody does), with humans it is not. A chess engine simply does analysis and makes moves. IT DOES NOT DO ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT. It does not upset your mind flux or make you uncomfortable in any way. But the humans do dozen factors that are undetected. Sometimes, they are cheap, disgusting and repulsive. If you win a chess engine for 10 continuous games in 3 hours time, nothing will happen to you. But if you defeat a human player 10 continuous games in 3 hours time, you must bear with those curses, hatred and lot more.. On a FIDE tournament, on a certain round, I defeated a rated player .. it was a crushing defeat …the last few minutes, I saw my opponent's face, it was so full of hatred etc. The next day, when I was walking, he happened to cross me, that hatred was there, I could observe my body undergoing slight shivering... that and other factors are what happens during and after play with humans. I am sure that many players resign or lose because they sub consciously do not want to "prolong the extreme discomfort" of being in front of an incorrigible, high voltage ego human opponent. One such discomfort, even the Indian GM Viswanathan Anand had when he played against Kasparov during World Chess Championship 1995. I have read that Kasparov would go to his room and slam the door. He was doing lot of "other" activities to win the games.
Well ..those factors apart. This is a page on failures of chess engines.
White king moves away from battlefield to win it. From e7, it goes to f6, to e5 and to e4
FRITZ 11 ENGINE FAILS AT 25453 kN (25453 kilo nodes per second i.e 25 million moves per second analysis). The first starts at 245 kN, see the sixth it was at 25453 kN. Instead of detecting the correct move at 4.Bg6 it went in wrong direction which will be bad reason to trust a computer engine analysis in the event of an alien attack. It sealed off its own bishop battery by move g6, putting "own piece blockade" along critical b1-h7 dia. It is like positioning its own military tank in the line of fire of an intermediate range ballistic missile launcher. Putting pawn on g6 serves the same purpose as a bishop on b1-h7 dia, it prevents black's master mind entering h7, the trouble is it will become a static pawn that will permanently seal off h7 for black's mastermind. After analysis, it declares the position "draw" +/= 0.66
the draw move 4.g6
Actually, on this day, suddenly the term "backward pawn" flashed in my mind. It was faint memory for me as to why they call it backward. So i did a google search and landed on a website where a former world champion made an "unthinkable" move. I fed the position on two Fritz engines Fritz 5.32 and Fritz 11. Fritz 5.32 did not consider the move f6 as potential threat. Fritz 11 engine found the move after 20 seconds but it did not find it earlier.
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