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Last update: today June 01, 2015
The computers are becoming more and more powerful in chess whereas the humans are becoming weaker and weaker in chess with every passing decade.
Bullet, Blitz, Rapid type games play spoilsport to chess play with increased depth and thorough analysis. Chess play is becoming more and more superficial. Bullet type chess players (each player 1 min time control) are least bothered about chess position, they are only bothered about seconds remaining and moving pieces fast. The Chess board does not matter. For bullet players, stones and pebbles can be arranged over the board instead of chess pieces, it will not make much difference. Bullet games are only about moving something fast either over the board or over the screen. Somebodys clock will zero. He/She loses the game. The inventor of Chess, Sessa would be very angry if he happens to be now. The very purpose of playing chess is gone. Visit online chess websites like,, You will find that if you select "each player 30 minutes" time control, nobody will play with you. These days, most players are not coming to play for even "each player 15 minutes" time control. This is the temperament of chess players all over the world now. If developing "presence of mind" intention is there, they can play some active video games like Fighter aircraft shooting games or car racing games. Why play chess for that. The main reason behind the development of Bullet, Blitz and Rapid games lies in every individual's laziness, lack of patience, unwillingness to take much strain and think.
The proccessing speed of computers is measured in million instructions per second (MIPS). A computer with 256 MB RAM can process about 1.5 million moves per second (1580 kilonodes per second). They must be playing Bullet, Blitz and Rapid games. Why the humans who can at the most think 5 moves per second are playing bullet and blitz games. What use will it be to them.
When I started Chess in late 1980s, National level tournaments had time control of first 40 moves in 2 hours, 41st to 60 moves in 1 hour and rest of the game in 30 minutes. One senior player in Salem told me that it was even longer than the said time control in the early 1980s. So each player had sufficient time to think to his/her fullest potential. Handling certain complex quagmire (one wrong move and you lose the game) positions can take 30 minutes to make the correct move. Those days there were only analog clocks (clocks with needle display). The white dial Russian analog clocks were good looking. The digital clocks these days look like awkward when compared to those Russian clocks. Those Russian clocks vanished from the scene after the introduction of digital clocks with increment. There were no increment system those days.
These days even in FIDE rated tournaments only 1 hour is given to each player which means if a game goes upto 60 moves, only 1 minute has been given to make one move. so 60 moves in 60 minutes. This time is not at all sufficient for any player to think thoroughly all the possible variations and think to his/her full potential. Most of the tournaments (except World Championship matches which have time control of 3 hours+ for each player) nowadays allot each player 1 hour only. It has become a game of luck not of potential for chess players. In some cities in Tamil Nadu, only 25 minutes are allotted for each player in Dist Level tournaments which means if a game goes up to 60 moves not even half a minute per move is given to each player to think. In the present tournament time controls: a 1300 rated player can defeat an International Master or a unrated player can defeat a Grand Master. Luck determines the result not the strength of player. One player sees the winning combination and the opposite player does not have time to think thoroughly and see opponent's deadly line, he/she loses the game. I do not follow chess news much nor I have anybody to inform. As per Chess Mate news magazine, I have observed that a Indian Grand Master has lost to 2 unrated players in different tournaments. I do not know against how many unrated players he has lost his game in his career. I am not naming the GM because it could cause him embarrassment. If you want to know, you can contact my email id and I will show proof of his defeat to unrated players.
Who must be considered blameworthy. The players or the tournament organizers... It is not sure whether because of players, the tournament organizers have reduced the time control for each game or because of shorter tournament time control, the players game level has become superficial.
I have observed that during the World championship matches between Anand - Carlsen 2013 and Carlsen - Anand 2014, not a single game reached the 7th hour. One or two games reached 6th hour, I think. Neither Anand nor Carlsen lost a round because of clock zeroing.
Unrated player wins GM tournament !!!
YU RIYAN from China won tournament where many GMs, IMs, FMs etc participated.
Human Chess play is becoming completely cracked.
An unrated player must first get initial FIDE rating (1000) and then progress till 2200 rating to become a Candidate Master, 2300 rating to become a FIDE Master, 2400 rating to become an International Master, and then 2500 rating to become a Grand Master. If an unrated player wins a GM tournament or unrated players defeating Grand Masters, it only shows the pathetic inconsistent human chess play standards.
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Page created: Year 2014
125th player to blunder

Indian Chess
1 out of 3 players is rated
Rated player is not a special one these days
2019 FIDE World Cup
The mistake
One correct move. Not even combination of moves
Date of this section: 11 February, 2021
Arena Grandmasters finish ahead of "on the board" FIDE Master and International Masters at 2nd Open Rapid Rating at Trichy
AGMs Sa Kannan and Lakshmi Narayanan finished ahead of FM and IMs
One must cross 2300 rating to become a FM and 2400 rating to become an IM
They have been overwhelmed by Arena Grand Masters
Arena Grand Master Lakshmi Narayanan had higher "on the board" rating than IMs and FM
FIDE Ratings
AGM Lakshmi Narayanan 2147
IM Ramnathan Balasubramaniyam 2107
IM Harikrishnan.A.Ra 2081
FM Vinoth Kumar.M 2003
Arena Grand Master Sa Kannan rated only 1887 finished ahead of all the above.
Date of this section: 12 February, 2021
Arena Grandmaster Lakshmi Narayanan finishes ahead of GMs and IMs in 12th Chennai Open Grandmaster Chess Tournament, Chennai conducted in the month of January, 2020
Another AGM, Rathneesh R finished ahead of IMs, WGM, FMs, CM in the same tournament
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