MoD Rhinoceros Kingdom. E F S R. Earth defence. E G M. Aliens Attack. Analysis of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (AETI). miniscule man gokula anand. No other person is connected with this blogspot. Image attributions have been attempted and stated wherever possible. This blogspot and pages are good on large display screens not on mobile phones. One Earth One World One People

..............................END OF YEAR ONE....................few comments....

I created this website in the month of November 2014. One year has passed by. Not a single appreciation, praise etc were made by the society individuals. There has not been much benefit for me, money wise - even a currency note. Actually, I have lost thousands of them. The disadvantages were more than the advantages. Those who have read this website - the heavy headed egoistic individuals - their ego became hurt, damaged - they wanted to get rid of me and be at peace with their ego. There has been mass students withdrawals which made me to think of writing a new page " The ego of parents that spoiled the chess of little children". After the publication of the page - Buddhism - the very useful religion, the heavy headed brahmins network quit. Not a single brahmin student is presently undergoing training with me. I used to send message to parents of my students " Few useful pagereads at". It was very painful to note the fact that none of them told that they visited the site or showed a single appreciation. They all wanted to attack, insult, depress and some even wanted to see me dead. If I had been less powerful, weak, I would have met my end.
In the 1990s, I worked in various Airports. I even worked in "Aircraft Engine Overhaul Section" in New Delhi, Safdarjung Airport, School of Aviation Science and Technology, Delhi Flying Club. For years, I had been looking at heavy aircrafts, land and take off on runways. I had seen Russian Antonov 32 turboprop military transport aircraft take off, walked acrosss where the MIG-27s were lined up in Chennai Tambaram Airforce Station. Keeping mouse sized Mercedes Benz, Honda City, BMW, Audi, Volkswagon in their houses they were trying to dominate me. It was only a irritation for me which I had to control every visit to homes. When they found that it is not possible to reduce me, they quit.
The humans are very egoistic, cheap, highly unstable, destructive, narrow minded. They cannot maintain any emotion or feeling for longer periods of time.
I was fortunate to read a page of 19th century english writer Ralph Waldo Emerson which actually has happened to me - the consequences of being an individual.
" ..... being an individual can lead to other people not accepting you, hating you, or accusing you of being self-righteous, disrespectful, a rebel, a freak and so on. So why would anyone want to be an individual if it brings all that ? "
He says very wisely  " People that aren't individuals surrender to laws and names and large groups of people and dead institutions in order to fit in with what's popular or get money or simply because we're too intimidated to stand up for what we really feel is right "

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