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The very difficult chess problems humans created, which the chess engines could not solve at just 1 ply depth:
1st position
George Hume
1st Prize, Youth 1883
2nd position
The Problemist 1953

The chess engines did not detect the forced 2 moves checkmate for 2 positions. These problems are extremely difficult and would have carried thousands of currency notes cash prize before the computers evolved. Even the recent chess engines could not solve them.
Just like the humans cannot calculate millions of chess positions per second, the computer cannot have a understanding of a chess position and act accordingly. 
This gives hope for Kasparov like equivalent player to win a supercomputer with loopholes like these which fail at just 1 ply depth. A combination starting with moves that solved the problems might get unnoticed by chess engine and it is possible to crack and annihilate computer’s defence.
After these encounters, I fed dozens of two moves checkmate problems but the solutions were all detected in or under 1 second by the chess engines thus preserving their dignity amongst humans. When the engines loaded, the answers were there in millisecond. What an invention by human beings !!!
The problems are very difficult. The reader can try to solve them before reading the solution and observe how difficult they are..
Click on image to maximize the image. White to play and checkmate in 2 moves...both positions...

Position 1

Position 2

Position 1
1.Qh5  a)1...Kc8 2.Qxe8# b)1...Kc6/d6/e6 Qd5# c) 1...Knight any move e8Q#..

Position 2
This one, only Fritz 11 engine detected the forced 2 moves checkmate, three others failed.
1.Qe6 Kxf4 [1...Rxh6 2.Qf5#; 1...Kh5 2.Qg6#; 1...Rxf4 2.Qg6#; 1...Rg4 2.Rf5#; 1...Rh5 2.Rg4#] 2.Qf5#

Page created: Year 2015

1 ply depth means one and half moves i.e. 2 white moves and a black move or 2 black moves and a white move. This i could say because in a position analysis at 15 ply depth, the depth of analysis was 21 white and black moves. I had read somewhere 1 ply depth is one and half moves. So i have corrected all which were mentioned as 2 ply depth instead of 1 ply depth in the past.
10 Oct. 2018

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