Too much of effort, analysis and disclosures would compel military establishments to shut down this blogspot for creating "irrational panic" or "unnecessary panic" amongst public.
Consdr creatng seprte blogspt for this page so that this blogspot is not shut down. Create empty pge with link to that blogspot.
Secrt military projects dating as far as 1930. One individual's observations can be silly or childish when compared to theirs.
The attack of Osama bin laden on us twin towers, military headq Pentagon, the weakness of combined mil estb all over world -publish the topc upon large audience.
Mntan bal inferity and superity.
Bravery, cowrdce, fearless. Defn.
Prepare Hw movies list and noteworthy observtns reg alin attack
All relevant conctions with osho philosophy and alin atck. E.g. A fire master, a fire. Eastern attitude ... event of alin atck. Mulla connetns w human natre
One king's handle of war. Non egoistic, comical, cowardly that prevents war and casultis
Waste of time ... this page can be waster of time
Page not people friendly. Serious financial casualts.
Tsunami hitting chennai seashore kill hundrds. Came withot warning. All of sudden. Unexpected. Alin atck happn today or tomor..
Reactions of Ind villagers ...accident... fall of Skylab over any part of Ind.
Why alien UFO not sighted in Ind. Why they wre seen mostly US only.
Aliens and UFOs. Created by mil to fool public....justify spndg ??
Lack of unity amongst people. Impossible to eliminate. Even people in same street fight each other and try to hurt, destroy. even if people unite it wont be for long time. the hatred will arise back.
United we stand
Divided we fall.... The phrase has been attributed to the ancient storyteller Aesop, both directly in his fable "The Four Oxen and the Lion" and indirectly in "The Bundle of Sticks.
Change as
United we stand
Divided we all die
Impossible to unite all hmns. At most for 1 month or 2 months. Not in long run.
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Attack of Aliens |
2XXX Anno Domini
Aliens Attack
Satellite systems and radar systems will be destroyed first
Military will become blind
A blind man cannot fight.
2XXX Anno Domini
Aliens Attack
Space stations, satellites, radar systems will be destroyed first
Military will become blind
A blind man cannot fight.
These lines were occured in my mind in the year 1998. The "space station" did not occur in my mind though the Russian MIR space station was orbiting the earth which was brought down in the year 2001as it had completed a period of time, was accident-prone and they considered safe to get it back to Earth. An image kept and keeps flashing in my mind often.Through rational mind, I added the words "space stations". It did not occcur in my mind. It only read as " Satellite systems and radar systems will be destroyed first". It is strange because if one had been seeing lot of ghost movies, then as memory they could have surfaced in conscious mind. But i was not aware of the aliens facts or stories. I have not read or seen anything pertaining to aliens at that time. The computers and cell phones were not common in those days. They were beginning to happen in India.
As regards aliens attack, the capital of Earth is Moscow which happens to be approximately center on Earth. It must also be pointed out that Russia was and is a super power in chess in terms of number of International masters and Grand masters. The aliens will not know it is Russia. For them it will be a part of land on Earth - the acquisition of which will give them advantage. When they cross the moon, whichever portion of Earth is nearest, they will attempt to land. It may be Japan, India, Africa, America. When they find out the weakness of human resistance at night time, they would prefer to attack at night time only. The Earth in chess terms will be as black side because they start the attack first during night times on the side of Earth that is dark, more often on "no-moon" days. The half of Earth is black at night time.
Already, the military has become blind because the space stations, satellite systems and radar systems have been destroyed, the night time invasions will make it more difficult for human resistance as they cannot see in the dark.
The Earth is not flat in shape. For example: if a country "obnoxious" situated on north invades the country "detrimental" on south, it can prepare for offence and put up resistance on north side. Those aliens are not going to enter via land - through sky they will descend. The descending point could be any city or country
Earth Defence advisory to all Air Force Fighter Jet pilots
Attn: Alien attacks have razed down too many fuel stations. Earth Defence total fuel reserve is at lower alert value. Pilots shall be trained for "Maximum damage to UFO per gallon of fuel" efficiency. No fighter jet pilot shall simply fly "without attempting maximum damage to UFO". This is not applicable for army and navy machinery, the standstill of which will not drain fuel or result in wastage. Military tanks, Naval warships (water and land machines) can stand still for strategic reasons.
Advisory 0001
No VTOL (vertical take off and landing) fighter jet shall make an emergency landing with fuel less than 1 minute. Pilots must ensure that their jets are not completely devoid of fuel in tanks or fuel lines. Draining out all fuel and fighting with few seconds remaining would make "re-fuelling" task too difficult and consume much time than the normal refuelling process. In any case, the fighter jets must land with atleast 1 min worth fuel.
Advisory 0002
Attn: Air Force Stations
Pilots shall be trained for 240 seconds (4 min + 1 min fuel reserved for landing) dog fights,1740 seconds (29 min +1 min fuel reserve for landing), or long haul combats 3600 seconds+ (1 hour+) flight duration. No pilot shall engage in 60 seconds (1 min) or 120 seconds (2 min) combats. Such combats are prohibited
Attn: Rhinoceros frontline fighters. Jets have 30 min worth fuel. When consumed, the king responsible for all actions would drop dead (engine will shut down) and all of the components would cease to function. 29 minutes worth combat duration only
Advisory 0003
No FIDE rated chess player shall be allowed training and seat on a fighter jet. They are better as "think tanks" not as airforce pilots. Video game players with excellent "external" alertness and manoeuvre skills shall be chosen for that purpose. The "FIDE RATED" forbidden rule is not applicable for Kamikaze (suicide) pilots
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