MoD Rhinoceros Kingdom. E F S R. Earth defence. E G M. Aliens Attack. Analysis of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (AETI). miniscule man gokula anand. No other person is connected with this blogspot. Image attributions have been attempted and stated wherever possible. This blogspot and pages are good on large display screens not on mobile phones. One Earth One World One People

Saturday 10 November 2018

Two ways

It is hard to state from which mind, the writes in this blogspot have evolved. They might have come directly from the conscious mind of the writer OR through the sub-conscious mind after undergoing sequence of processes OR the writes being the produce of a ghost sitting inside or nearby the writer OR the writes being the work of EGM, the writer being simply used as a broadcasting medium like a radio that receives sound waves and converts it into audible sound waves, in this blogspot as form of words of english language. Whatever be the case and whatever situations turn out to be, the writer says IT must not be considered responsible. (written for GOKE MAXIMS during year 1999 that was never published)
You tie the mouth of a barking dog (shut down this blogspot or make it less visible in google search), you are deprived of  "future" warnings.
You disable an aeroplane landing gear audible warning system, in the event of malfunction (landing gear extended but not locked) death is certain for all the occupants of heavy aeroplane that is landing at 170 miles (150 knots) per hour speed. THE WARNING SOUNDS ARE VERY CARING, THEY ONLY INFORM THAT DANGER EXISTS

There are two types of pain, a chess player will have to undergo during tournament level of play. One is the pain in the mind and brain because of excess hardwork. Another is the pain at heart because of jealousy attack of incorrigible society individuals. The punishment that incorrigible society individuals do for hard work is suppression tactics, psychological damages, jealousy radiation attacks etc.
November 2020.

There are two ways to play a chess game.....
Adopt a lazy and sluggish attitude, make the game more and more simple and reach draw position
Not be bothered about the result, make the game more and more complex, run the mind at full throttle and thrill
YEAR 2019

There are two ways to create chess players
Apply too much of effort, pressure, eliminate self interest, create excess satisfaction of chess work, make player addicted, create an ambitious "ego" drive that derives satisfaction from fame in tournaments, newspapers, television, internet, keep the ego drive above the level of his/her subconscious hatred of chess, keep the player progressing for finite/infinite period of time. In short, manufacture player like an automobile in a factory.
Apply "zero or mild" pressure, allow the player to develop love and passion for chess, move along with player at his/her own chess speed, keep self interest alive and make player grow as plant into a giant tree in a forest. Players created in this manner have faces like 'blossomed' flowers
Definitely, the automobiles are more effective and efficient than humans or trees. These days a motorbike has 11 horse power - its engine power equivalent to 11 horses or cars have 100 HP - equivalent to 100 horses. So better to manufacture players like automobiles in a factory than like "alive" roses or horses.

There are exceptions to the above mentioned manufacture of automobiles .....
Factors of cheetah and scientists.
Natural, Alive, Efficient than the "compelled drives"

0 - 103 kmph in 3 seconds !!!

The species is the only living member of the genus Acinonyx. It is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds between 112 and 120 km/h (70 and 75 mph) in short bursts covering distances up to 460 m (1,500 ft), and has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 103 km/h (64 mph) in three seconds, faster than most supercars.


Can any supercar even after 200 years from now, manoeuvre like it on sand on land with ups and downs and touch the back of a deer running for dear life

Humans must work hard for their food
Cheetahs must run fast for their food

100 or 200 years from now, the great and fastest cheetahs will be no more. Not a single one can be seen. Last few dozens, the mentally retarded allopathy doctors will be giving tablets and injections to save them but they cannot. Humans will kill all other species and finally kill themselves. They have already eliminated hundreds of species with no possibility of revival.


Documenting Sudan and the species decline was a major project for National Geographic photographer Ami Vitale.
"Today, we are witnessing the extinction of a species that had survived for millions of years but could not survive mankind," Vitale wrote in an Instagram post sharing the news.

Cheetah chase compilation

Fastest cheetah ever recorded is 0.3 seconds faster than 2020 build Lamborghini Huracan Super Car
Cheetah 0-103 kmph in 3 seconds
Lamborghini 0-100 kmph in 3.3 seconds
Lamborghini whose engine power is rated 640 bhp (equivalent to 640 horses) does not have one cheetah power for the initial pickup run 0-100 kmph. Therefore one cheetah power is more than 640 horses power. Sounds absurd. It is the fact.
The main question is why an engine with 640 horses power is required to carry 4 to 5 persons from one place to another (the car is most probably a two seater only) Imagine a carriage during the days of the kings, 640 horses tied to a carriage that has place for 2 persons. You imagine about 5 horses every row, 128 rows of horses tied to the carriage just to pull 2 persons

cheetah was created by the Extra Terrestrial Intelligence
super cars are created by tiny humans
cheetah requires no maintenance. They will survive and live well if incorrigible humans are not there
super cars require lot of maintenance. They all will rust up and stand still if their masters are not there. There wont be heating up of air or pollution of it

Albert Einstein factor

Men who loved the work. 16 hours a day for years. Faces of blossomed flowers.
Majority of chess players belong to ego drive type not of self interest propulsion. They are not like scientists who work energetically for 16 hours every day. Theirs is "compelled drive"

For your kind information, the great scientist Albert Einstein was a bad father and worse husband to his wives

Thomas Alva Edison

1093 scientific inventions. 16 hours a day for whole life.


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
ordinary people would work and say they discovered dozen ways that don't work. somewhat hard workers would say they found dozens of ways that wont work.
workaholics would say they have observed hundred ways that will not work.
Thomas Alva Edison says: He found 10,000 ways that won't work !!! His mind choose to put the number 10,000 in his quote as it is its normal operation

There are two ways to play chess against chess engines.
one is to play directly against chess engine or play online against opponents who use chess engine. Most of the players use chess engines. Online people say that the cheating is punished. In most cases, they are not.  Even low rated players play at chess engine strength. The result is frustration, depression because of losing against a low rated player decrease of rating number. Uncertainty. They are not true parameters of playing strength like in real physical FIDE rated tournaments. Sometimes the opponent's clock will start to increase seconds every move whereas you clock will decrease seconds drastically every move. It is as if your opponent clock has increment system and your clock has decrement system. There are time cheats, internet connection lags etc.
During a game, my opponent reached a hopeless position and did not make any move for the rest of game (it was a each 15 min game), I waited for his clock to become zero but to my dismay I was declared lost on time. I still have the game in history with enough proof because (my faint memory says it was at maintains seconds count for every move made by players during a game.


It is very difficult even for a 1700+ player to defeat a 1900+ player. How can a 1100+ player go to the top slot in 5 min blitz OPEN tournament with duration of 120 min. The snapshots are of last 3 minutes.

It is not humanly possible for 1200+ and 1300+ players to occupy top 10 slot.
Either they are real FIDE Masters who just opened a new account at or they used chess engines. These incorrigible persons are thorns, spoilsports and bad elements at online chess.


1080 Rated player at number 1 position

The world is becoming more and more intellectual and less intelligent. In fact, these days it is very easy to become an intellectual. The fingers on your hands cannot count the ways of developing intellect. There are books, schools, colleges, newspapers, televisions, radio, internet to develop intellect. But when it comes to intelligence there seems to be only two ways to develop it.
One is by thinking and second is by chess.
By thinking you can become intelligent.  But it will be better, you become intelligent and then think. Then your thinking can have more intelligence. Chess can create multi layered processes in your intelligence. With that intelligence, if you think- your thinking will be multilayered too.

Online chess. These days very few come to each player 15 min. It has become less than that. In tennis, for every hit, there is a counter hit the next second. These days, chess games too have replies the next second. For every move, there is an immediate next move. Only difference, tennis players have more movements on one hand, chess players have less movements on one hand

There are two ways to release violence contained in physical body
One is through physical activities: by boxing, karate, kung fu fighting. Here more violence is released
Another is through mind activities: debates, heated arguments or playing chess [ego, hatred, will power (animal residual energy) etc]
Boxing releases excess violence in physcial body
Chess releases violence in physical body through mind body in less proportion
A very violent person can choose karate, kung fu or boxing as means to release violence
A less violent person can choose chess, arguments, egoism etc to release violence
An enlightened master who has zeroed the mind, ego and violence will not have ground to play chess or do boxing fight. He becomes incapable to do such activities. He becomes too full of heart, he becomes incapable of killing also
A buddhist monk cannot fight and hurt others. He / She does not have ground
A buddhist monk cannot play chess seriously, defeat others, hurt their minds and see them uncomfortable

YEAR 2019
note: new pages created   ................scroll down to bottom of this home page for the links
... year five start ... few comments
page 26. chess engine failures

recent additions page 012. Garry Kasparov is Great even after retirement.. heading..54 year old kasparov plays bullet type in Blitz chess at St Louis Rapid Blitz 2017

History about to repeat
post: chess classes in coimbatore - home page bottom..

  new additions:   page 018.  Links to basic chess topics (100 links)
                             page 019.  World Level Chess Ambience (43 photos)  
                            page 007.  FIDE rating does not mean anything these days
                                              Heading: 125th player to blunder 
                                              Indian chess : 1 out of 3 players is rated 
                                              Grandmaster does not think even 1 move thoroughly 
   new pages:        page 027. World top 10 Men and Women (automatic updation)
                            page 029.  Page 2. Links to chess topics
                            page 030.  Gokula Anand Write / Observations   


Somebody runs faster than you
Do not be jealous of him / her
If you become jealous, you will feel the devil within you
If you consider him/her a hero, you can feel the "hero" within you

YEAR 2019

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