Page created July 2024
The Original Game of Sessa - the creator of chess must return back
Sessa, an Indian created Chess game. In reality, he did not "create" it. It was already there in existence, he only "decoded" it. For example, Thomas Alva Edison discoverd "electricity" they say. True. The phenomenon was already there. He only found it. Sir Isac Newton observed "gravitational force". It was there on Earth, millions of years onwards. He only gave it a name. All inventors only "discover" they don't create anything. Did Thomas Alva Edison "create" electricity. Cannot be. It was there on clouds millions of years before humans came into existence. Did Sir Issac Newton create "gravity". No. The phenomenon exists and existed for millions of years. They are only observed and given a name.
It would be "wrong" to say, Sessa created the chess game. He only "decoded" it with his brain and mind.
For two thousand years, board games have come and none have even 1% of potential of a chess game. Could anyone, invent a parallel game for chess game, all these years. There are and were millions of individuals, could anyone find a parallel game to chess game. Just 64 squares, 32 pieces, the number of combinations possible are trillions in number. Can anyone, remove king factor, queen factor, bishop factor, knight factor, rook factor, pawn factor and create 32 new type of pieces like Sessa's pieces. THEN WHAT RIGHTS DO THEY HAVE TO "ALTER" THE ORIGINAL CHESS GAME. Let us assume, the chess game was created by a cosmic mind's agent and was allowed to be "decoded" by a human called Sessa and give to millions of humans (what Thomas Alva Edison's 1089 inventions did to millions of humans). If the game is altered, it is a direct violation of the creation of chess game and "the main purpose of its creation" is lost.
Food is eaten, goes to stomach, gets digested, energy is released and the excreta is send outside. There is spleen, liver, pancreas, heart, lungs etc. Will it be sane to alter the human physiological system. Put liver and pancreas on top of heart and lungs ?? Can any human being create a human body (baby) "outside" a human body.
"All alterations to original creator's design are violations" and will not serve the purpose it was created for
When chess game was invented by Sessa, a pawn could move only 1 square. About 500 to 800 years back, pawn was allowed to move 2 squares to speed up the game. A pawn moving 2 squares was not in the chess game creator's blueprint. A pawn moving 2 squares makes the game very violent with chess player undergoing neurosis, psychosis, high blood pressures etc. In short, pawns moving 2 squares have made chess game, bit violent. Files and diagonals are opened up rapidly, too many tactical possibilities and "unavoidable" and "unnecessary" exhanges take place. It is not a normal battle, struggle, it is a battle of enormous violence.
Because of the system of moving a pawn 2 squares, every pawn, all 8 pawns, King remaining at centre became unsafe. So it has to move to a corner of board either king side or queen side where the majority of army is not present giving rise to abracadabra theories "attack against castled king" "0-0 vs 0-0-0" The moment a king performs castling, it has only a Knight, Bishop and rook for its protection and 3 soldiers in front. The rook never protects the King of file and diagonal attacks. It only guards f2 pawn or f7 pawn. In most cases, it is a blockade for the king's escape. One can say, the rook seldom protects the king. Queenside pieces become totally irrelevant for the purpose of defending the king in many cases. Queenside soldiers from "a" file to "e" file become totally irrelevant for the purpose of defending or shielding the king in many cases. Queenside pieces also don't have enough time to come for king's defence. e.g. the Queen's rook, Knight and even Bishop.
IT must be told that both abnormal and impractical moves in a battle field called castling and pawn moving 2 squares was not in Sessa's rules of original chess game. A rook cannot "jump over" a king ?????? This is absurd. A rook is a non living structure.
Sessa's King was a "brave" "lionheart" king in the centre and surrounded by loyal, protective and suicidal forces
Sessa, the Indian inventor of chess game who made a great king bewildered
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